Details of the Event

Price per person:
Price per table of :

R (incl. VAT)
R (incl. VAT)

(These prices cover )

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For any queries or information not provided on this web page, click here to contact or call us at (011) 326 1740.

All proceeds donated to Afrika Tikkun.

Book Here

(there are places available)

Details of person making reservation:

Title: MrMrsMissMsDrProf
First Name:
Telephone: Code: Number:
Email Address:
Is this booking for a company or private?: CompanyPrivate Is the company registered for VAT?:

Details of Company (If Applicable):

Company Name: VAT Reg No:
(Per VAT Legislation)
Company Postal Address (in full):
Choose number of attendees: I can provide names nownowlater

Details of attendees:

Title & First Name Surname Email Address Dietary Requirements